Free Bible Study for Young Women

Bible Study for Young Women

This free 3-part Bible study for young women is designed to help our female students recognize how loved, valued, and called they are by God. 

Here is How the Bible Study for Young Women Breaks Down:
Week 1: A Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31 is the crown jewel of Bible passages for women. In honor of his mother, King Lemuel wrote this beautiful passage to explore what’s at the core of Biblical womanhood. When writing his small section of scripture, Lemuel discussed the characteristics of godly women by examining the example of his beloved mother He identified twelve key traits of a noble woman who honors God in his writing, which we call “virtues.” All of his wisdom points to four key characteristics of godly women. 
Scripture: Proverbs 31

Week 2: God’s Design For His Daughters: Exemplified by Esther 

God appointed every woman on earth “for such a time as this.” “For such a time as this” reins as the most quoted verse in the whole book of Esther. It embodies her fairytale story. God appointed a brave, young girl with a difficult past to save His people from the wrath of Persia. This simple phrase reminds us that we are put on earth to serve something greater than ourselves. God blesses every woman with specific skills, a unique design, and a personal purpose to accomplish. Esther’s story is a blueprint of God’s design for his daughters. Esther embodied three key traits that allowed her to be one of the most successful rulers in the entire Bible. 
Scripture: Esther 4:12-14; Esther 5:5b-6

Week 3: We are all different: Exemplified by Mary and Martha

Today, we will look at the story of two amazing women who had an awesome opportunity. They got to host a dinner party with Jesus. Our study is not a discussion about dinner though. It’s about our differences. As you read this story, take note of the women’s distinct approaches to hosting. It proves a powerful point. Every single woman is unique. That’s how our Creator designed it. God gave you different gifts, talents, and temperaments that weave together to make the fabric of one of His most beloved creations—you.
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 

This Bible study was adapted from our sermon series for young women. We also made a similar study for young men. You can check that out by clicking here! 

Most of our series have been recorded and are available in our free video library! You can access those Bible study videos by clicking here.

This free young women Bible study includes:

— 3 small group discussion guides
— Graphics to reinforce the messages on social media

Talk to our Curriculum Pastor about this small group Bible study!
You can connect with our Curriculum Pastor who wrote this Bible study by clicking the button below! We’d love to connect, talk about this curriculum, and help you use it in your ministry.

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5 Comments on “Free Bible Study for Young Women”

  1. Hello! Iam a first year youth leader. I am researching ideas and activities to incorporate with youth females. I would appreciate any materials, advice, or activity ideas.

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