Freedom Bible Study & Small Group Questions (Free)

Bible Study Freedom in Christ

This freedom Bible study will help your students learn how to find freedom in Christ.

Why did we make this freedom Bible study?

We all fight for freedom. We find ourselves working hard, running toward the next checkpoint and dreaming of our next phase of life. Then, we are all faced with a conundrum. Why is the freedom I craved different from the freedom that I encountered? 

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

This short verse gives us the keys to freedom. Jesus doesn’t offer freedom by following some complex plan, fighting a war, or writing up a declaration. Freedom comes from the truth. “Truth” in this section of Scripture directly refers to the source of all truth, Jesus himself. So, Christ is saying that knowing Him means knowing freedom. You experience freedom when you encounter Jesus. 

Here is How the Freedom Bible Study Breaks Down:
One: What Does Freedom Really Mean?

If you want to experience freedom, then you need to have it explained. In this section, we unpack how Jesus defines true freedom.

Two: The Perfect Picture of Freedom

When we want to understand authentic freedom, we need to look at the very first story in scripture. Eden is how God intended for us to live — in perfect harmony and intimacy with God.

Three: Finding Freedom from Pressure

We put so much pressure on ourselves. We need to ace that exam, impress those people, and run past our next checkpoint. Jesus wants to set you free from all the pressure and expectations you’re facing. When you pursue Jesus, the pressure is off.

Four: You Have Been Set Free

God does not want you to live a life of captivity. Rather, He wants you to live a life of liberty. Jesus didn’t just come to Earth to preach. He came to emancipate people who are in prison. That may be you. The last section gives us a practical plan for escaping our personal prisons.

This free freedom Bible study includes:

— 4 practical devotionals to help you find freedom
— 4 small group discussion guides to help you unpack this in a group
— 24 graphics to reinforce the messages on social media
— 4 Bible reading plans to enhance your personal Bible study
— Bonus devotional on Galatians for individual Bible Study
— Social media graphics to reinforce Galatians devotionals online

Most of our series have been recorded and are available in our free video library! You can access those Bible study videos by clicking here.

Talk to our Curriculum Pastor about this small group Bible study!
You can connect with our Curriculum Pastor who wrote this Bible study by clicking the button below! We’d love to connect, talk about this curriculum, and help you use it in your ministry.

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